Sunday, July 13, 2008

Letter update 7/13/08

Another snippet from his last letter:

Its been great this last week. Yep, Preparation Days are on monday still. They always were, but when i was an Assistant, we didn't have time on mondays to do it so President Hobbs said to do it whenever we could. So now, its going to be on mondays only. Well, this last week i had a mantle lifted from my shoulders, President called and told me that the missionary that was going to come out decided to come home and wasn't going to come out, so he released me from the calling of Traveling Assistant and called me formally to be a district Leader, he said it wasn't his first choice but that i was helping a few missionaries and district in great need, which it is and we knew that for the last while. so Its good and i'm excited as can be to be here in the Carmel area. Its so much fun proselyting full time again, i know how to do it way better and we have been busting our tails off trying to get the work going, and it has picked up a ton, but sunday we were shown that its not our works that get people, its the Lord. Most of the people we had coming to church had things come up at the last minute, and didn't come, but the Lord sent us a miracle, an absolutely Golden young lady to the church on her own who we've never met and she is so prepared. We're going to teach her tonight and a ton of other people, today and this week are going to be awesome.
This week is also my last Zone Conference, it will be nice to sit back and learn and soak it in, rather than conduct the meeting and instruct and worry about a ton of other details and whatnot.


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