Monday, June 30, 2008

Transfer update 6/30/08

I did get transfered. President Hobbs called me to be a Traveling Assistant, but i am also acting as a District Leader and have an area at the same time. I was going to go traveling full time, but one of the new missionaries that was going to come out, didn't come, so i had to go to the area he was going to go to. So my companions name is Elder Boothe, he's a great Elder and was going to train but couldn't this time due to the circumstances. So, i'm kind of a Traveling, but kinda not. I don't teally know whats going on totally. The new missionary could still come out, but he might not at all. So if he does, then i'll go out full-time as a traveler, but if he doesn't President might leave me here, or Emergency Transfer me to another place to get some work done there too. So my last little while is kinda crazy, i don't really know whats going to happen and how this is all going to work out. But i am in a Car share area, so i've been able to bust out my bike again, so thats been fun, although my pelvic bones are sore from it. My Area is called Carmel, and i go to the same ward as President Hobbs... i'm so excited to be here, i am just smiling when we ride the bikes because i'm so excited to proselyte full time again, and the Fire in the Belly just continues to grow. I Love it, a lot of times these areas are the best because the haven't been worked very effectively for a while so there are a ton of people waiting for the gospel. So thats the story of transfers.


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