Friday, June 13, 2008

Letter update

Some more testimony from Elder A. It's always good to hear his testimony. The folks he's working with in NC get to hear it all the time, so it's nice to get to have a taste of it now and then in his letters. We should be getting a DVD full of pictures pretty soon, so stay close and hopefully I'll have a bunch of new pictures to start posting next week.

I love sharing the gospel, its the most amazing thing, its such a rush sharing the gospel with people, and its the biggest testimony builder to see the way the atonement transforms lives. Thats what really gets me going, thats what really puts the fire in my belly, the Savior. Its not only rewarding to see the way the atonement shapes the lives of others, or those we teach, but my own life. I am not the same as I was before my mission, its changed me forever, right down to the core. My motivations are different. Thats been one of the biggest changes, is the reason i do things, before it was because i was looking out for #1, i was making sure i was taken care of. But through much opposition and many blessings i've come to know it not about me, its about Him, it has nothing to do with me. I think we all have a natural tendency to think about our own selves first, but thats part of overcoming the natural man. And i am definitely not perfect at it, because i still think about myself way too much, (i caught myself recently), but I'm trying. I'm so grateful for that, so thankful we can repent and do better, because there is always a better way, we can never stop looking for that better way. Apathy and complacency are the biggest downfalls for the members of the church in the US i think. So if you ever think i'm getting complacent or apathetic, punch me in the head of something... wake me up.
Anyway, the scriptures are amazing, I recently read through Doctrine and Covenants 6, whoo, what a powerhouse. That section smacked me in the head, the last 4 or 5 verses especially. I invite y'all to read it for your selves. I promise you a greater understanding and a deeper meaning of the Atonement for each of you. I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that He took upon himself our sins and all else we suffer. In the Sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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