Saturday, February 16, 2008

Letter Update 2/12/08

Some snippets from his letter this week...

I am feeling much better, we recovered pretty quick once we got done throwing up all the time, so we are good now. I was so sick of laying down in bed though, i couldn't take it anymore, i just wanted to get out and teach.

We've been traveling a ton lately, we have actually been able to work in our area for a good little chunk last week finally. We thought we were going to be able to work a lot more, but stuff came up here at the office that we had to do. But we are going to be starting an exchange later today with the ZL's in Gastonia. It wont be too bad though, they are only 45 minutes away, so I'll stay here in Matthews and Elder Lee will go to Gastonia. We had all our Monday meetings yesterday, and we worked on transfers with President Hobbs for almost 6 hours, we are meeting again on Thursday to finish it up and next Monday to finalize. Then next Wednesday we'll pick up the new missionaries at the airport and take them to the Mission Home to feed them and to train them while President Hobbs interviews them. That should be fun. Then later this week, we have another exchange, and a Baptism on Sunday, but that might get pushed back to next Sunday, we're not sure yet. But things here are going really good.


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