Monday, January 28, 2008

Letter update

Mike continues to build his testimony as he sees new responsibilities, and keeps us guessing as to whether he'll extend or not. He concluded this letter that he may not ever want to come home. Hmmmm! Well, some of us are just greedy enough to get him back, that we'll just have to cut off his funding and drag him back here kicking and screaming!

This week was great, it was so amazing, we have done a ton of traveling... Monday we did our normal routine of taking stats from the ZL's and logging them into our computer, meeting with the rest of the office staff, then meeting with President Hobbs for a few hours to plan out Zone Conferences. That was amazing, it is so spiritual meeting with President to plan out the things we should do to train the missionaries to the next level. I've gotten into the habit of writing these things down now too, even though i don't have time to keep a steady journal, i keep a small sketch book with me to write down thoughts and impressions. Then after that meeting we worked on the new Key Indicator Report that Elder Lee and I created in the last 2 weeks, and polished it off so we could present it to the mission at Zone Conferences starting Wednesday, so we were up late getting that done. Tuesday i had to take a driving test so i could drive the big 'ol 15 passenger mission van, (I call it the Fun Bus, hahahaha), and had to work some stuff out with a lawyer in South Carolina because one of the missionaries gat a $1000 ticket for passing a stopped school bus. Then we had to drive to Forest City, NC to pick up the Elders there(it was cool because one of them was my boy, Elder Gardner), we then made our way up the mountains to Waynesville, NC to drop off a washer and dryer to them, since they just opened the area two weeks ago and didn't have one. Once we got done there, we drove to Hendersonville, NC to sleep at the ZL's before the Asheville Zone Conference the next day. Whooo. Once that was over at about 4:00, we had to bust out of Asheville and head back to Forest City to drop off the Elders there, and get back to Charlotte to finish up some Prep for the Gastonia Zone Conference on Thursday. So we trained at the one also, and it went really well. Then Friday we had a Combined Zone Conference to instruct at, for Charlotte Central and Charlotte South Zones, this one went amazing, there was such a good spirit there. I had a lot of feelings and impressions come to me there. Man the spirit is such an exhiliarating experience, this is why I am LOVING this work, i really wouldn't rather be doing anything else in my life right now, nothing else would do. After we finished at that Zone Conference we began an exchange with the Char. Central ZL's i stayed here in our area, talk about a stretch, its a good thing we borrowed the Asheville ZL's GPS system because we seriously have only had maybe a total of 10 hours of proselyting in the past two weeks, so i haven't had any time to learn the area, but it was great anyway, I tell ya, the Lord just straight up looks out for us, we had someone call while we were on the exchange and ask us to come the next day to teach her so she could join our church! Then, we taught a lady thats been strugglin a bit and she said she feels a power in the words of the BoM, so much so that she knows its true and wants to be Baptized on the 23rd of Feb! Then the next day, another investigator we stopped by tells us she wats to be Baptized on the 16th! The Lord is just too good, he just blesses us as we work diligently on whatever assignment we are given, whether its office work or Pros.

But things here are going great, its been a bit cold, but it's all good, this work is amazing, I LOVE it, sorry, but i don't want to come home, hahahaha, i'm staying out here forever! Love you


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