Friday, April 06, 2007

Mike's latest letter 4/6/07

He talked a lot about what he liked best in the last conference and some about Janet's baptism. Her sister came to the baptism and got all teary-eyed. Mike felt impressed a few times to ask her for referrals there, so we'll see if anything comes of that. He also talked about his first impressions of training. Here is a snippet from his letter...

I'm liking training, its weird cause i keep thinkin i was just with Leavitt, i just got trained. Its all gone by so fast it just blurrs together. Then i started thinkin about how the next couple of months is going to be such a stretching time for me, i knew this calling was going to stretch me, but i also realize that it'll only stretch me as far as i allow it to. So i am striving to be teachable and humble and trying to allow this experience to stretch me as much as possible, to make it the best Learning experience possible, so thats what i'll be striving for. Kinda the whole, "Whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life shall find it", thing, so thats what i'm striving for. Its been a fun week and a half so far and i'm looking forward to the next 2.5 months of training. The only problem is i try to keep him busy enough that he doesn't talk about home. If you think about it, it wa way easy for me to not think about home at all with Elder Van Leeuwen because we had both been out long enough to have other things to talk about, but he has nothing else to talk about, so i just try to keep him busy with things so he doesn't talk about home, plus it'll be good to break the home sickness out of him fast. Needless to say we've tracted quite a bit in the last 2 weeks, hahaha, gotta love that.

sounds like he is doing great as a trainer. We are excited to see his progress and his testimony grow with every day.


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