Thursday, March 08, 2007

Latest Letter

We got a great letter from Mike this week. It sounds like he's doing well and the work is progressing for him and his new companion in Lincolnton, NC. Here is a snippet from this last letter about someone they just found...

"We actually found a lady by mistake that we think has a lot of potential. We were looking for a Less Active's house and we couldn't see any numbers, so we just stopped and decided to knock on this one door to see if we could get lucky. Well, it wasn't the Less Active's house, but we introduced ourselves to the lady and told her who we represent. and then she said that she had a friend in the Mormon church. so we got to talking to her and set an appointment to come back and talk to her about the church. Well, we went back and taught her a Restoration using the new pamphlets and the Restoration DVD and she loved it. She was baby sitting, but she was paying close attention and she asked us to pause the video while she put the fussy baby to bed. Then when she came back and we had finished the DVD she was already saying stuff like: "How could people think there isn't a prophet on the earth?" So that was pretty awesome, she is praying about the things that we taught her and we hooked her up with a BoM. We were supposed to go over there yesterday, and she was going to come to church, but she got really sick, but we rescheduled for tonight, so we are pretty excited about that. But we can already see the blessings the Lord has given to us for our focus and obedience."


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