Sunday, February 04, 2007



How’s it going this week? This letter is going to be short since it’s 11:05 PM right now, I have an early day tomorrow, and I’m dog tired as it is. Not to mention, I have at least an hour of studying I need to do before going to sleep. We just got home from the annual Superbowl party at the Jacobs’ house. It was good, other than the Bears didn’t win as I’m sure you know by now. But good game, good commercials, and good Pool playing. Brinlee had fun, getting her snack on and her drink on. Aynslee slept through everything of course. She is such a sleepy head. I wore my Urlacher jersey and looked stylie in that. Lynn Marie came over but only lasted an hour before wanting to bolt. She was kind of uneasy for some reason. I’m actually talking to John about it on the phone now.

Work is busy, school is busy, I’m struggling to keep my head above water.

I think I’m going to get a new calling on Wednesday. If I’m guessing right, it will be the Elders Quorum Secretary too. We’ll see if I’m good at predictions. I’ll let you know next week.

I got my TraVo up and running too this week. On Friday to be precise. It will record two channels at once while I watch a third if I want. And it will hold 340 hours of programming. Ahhhhh Yeah! That’s the ticket right there. I’m loving it so far. I’ve already loaded all my season pass back on with one additional show in the line up. I’ve also already put like 8 movies on there for future viewing. Thank goodness for the extra capacity too since I won’t be able to watch anything till school is out in Mid April and even after till I take this beast of an exam in May.

I got caught up on 24 and smallville yesterday at Clarks’ house though. I had to stay there till 1:00 AM last night though to do it and then we studied and took a practice test for this PHR class. He’s in there with me. So that is good that we can work with each other and encourage one another.

I took my flash drive to two different places to get your pics developed and both places told me they don’t develop off of that. I know Sam’s club does though, so I’m going there this week. So I’ll bust more of a letter in that when I get ready to send you the pictures. I’ll send it with those. I’ve got more to talk about, just no time this week. So I’ll work on that, and in the mean time, I’m still waiting for your letter you mentioned you were going to send this last week. I’ll have more to reply to then.

We went to Neil’s ward today to bless their new baby Cole. While we were up there, my hand was under his bum and 30 seconds into the blessing, I feel this rumbling and we all hear this Pppppppppppppppppppppppptttttttt. I swear I heard someone snort and catch themselves before they busted out laughing. I peeped my left eye open to see if I could tell who was about to bust up, but didn’t see anyone smiling. I peeped my right eye open and closed my left eye to check my right flank and again, no one there was laughing. I’m glad I didn’t see anyone because I was on the verge. Just then another blast from there shook my hand… Pppppppppppppppppppppptttt. I was thinking to myself, Yo, Diaper, don’t fail me now. You better hold strong or my hand is going to be holding a warm, wet and stinky liquid seeping from his pants. It did hold by the way, as far as I could tell. But it was dang funny when you are trying so hard to be serious and the kid rips a couple of long, juicy blasts into the diaper right in the palm of your hand. Ha ha.

Let me get your quote of the week out of the way right now…

“This is the day when the knowledge of the true Christ and of his everlasting gospel is being preached among men for the last time. This is the day in which the Great God is sending forth His word to prepare a people for the second coming of the Son of Man. This is the day in which the Church of Jesus Christ has been organized anew and given the commission to administer that holy gospel by which salvation comes.”

-Bruce R. McConkie

You feelin’ that? Hopefully the helps with the sense of urgency that all missionaries feel to get out, work their tails off to help get the word out as quickly as possible to help every ear hear the news and have the chance to accept or deny that salvation the Christ offers. You are the messengers delivering the message, they are the recipients who have to either accept and sign for delivery or refuse the delivery and tell you to return to sender. What a shame if and when they do stamp return to sender. Little do they realize it’s far better than the Publisher’s Clearing House 10 Million Dollar prize you were trying to deliver. Try to help everyone understand that. Don’t let them pass this tremendous reward up. Help them understand what it is they are refusing when they chose to accept.

Hey, I’m off. Sorry for the shorty, but you’ll get more in a letter with Pictures soon enough. Sound familiar?? But keep workin’ it to the bone. Keep praying for those back home who need the blessings. Keep making us all proud, especially me. I love you and miss you ever day. Yet another event today that makes me miss you even more, but I’d rather you be there than anywhere else including with me. So make the most of your time and your companions time. I think Transfers are coming up soon too, right? Let me know when that is and update us when they come.

Talk to you soon.



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