Friday, March 16, 2007

Letter Update 3/16/07

We got a detailed update of how things are going in his new area. This is some of his last letter...

"Its been another awesome week, we've met some cool people and we've definitely been blessed by the Lord in our efforts.
We taught Janet a bunch this week, she's freakin awesome. She's been reading the BoM and every reading assignment we leave with here, she came to church and loved it too. earlier in the week we taught her half the Plan of Salvation and then a day or two later we taught the rest, starting with the atonement, we watched "To this end was I born" and used that to introduce the Spirit World and then taught about the Resurrection, judgment, Immortality and the 3 kingdoms of glory. She told us that it all makes total sense, and then asked us what D&C was. so we explained and she was totally cool with it, she likes it. Then we asked her if she had a chance to pray about the things that we have taught her. and she says: "This is going to sound ugly, but No..." Then she paused and she goes: "I haven't prayed because when i talk to you guys and when i read this stuff, i feel it in my heart that its true. And i feel like I'm finally home." And then she bore her testimony about this stuff and it was all spiritual and she was in tears, so it was awesome. I expect she'll get Baptized here soon. We go back to teach her the second half of The Gospel of Jesus Christ tomorrow afternoon, and we'll probably set a date for March 24 for her to be baptized. Transfers are on the 22 so hopefully neither one of us will get transfered out of here, but we'll be able to see her get baptized. She's awesome. Then, throughout the week, we've been blessed with some cool investigators. we don't know too much about any of them, but we'll see how all our return appointments go this week. Its been an awesome transfer."

Sounds like Mike is doing great and really liking how things have been going in his area with his new companion and the new investigators they have found. Keep praying for his success.


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