Thursday, July 17, 2008

Follow up to Letter update 7/15/08

This letter came to Mike's Mom and Dad this week and is much more detailed than the previous one a couple of days ago. It's great to feel his love for his mission and to hear his testimony in these letters.

We did have zone Conference this week. I was able to bear my testimony there. It was rough, out of two years and everything thats been hard to do on my mission that was the toughest. I just about bawled my eyes out. I didn't, but just about, i told myself i wouldn't, so i didn't. i just about do almost everyday though, sometime during the day, so we stay busy to keep it off my mind. I'll start getting more mail from the mission for things about the travel home and whats expected of me and all that soon. Its really tearing me up. I'm working harder than ever, and more focused than ever, but little creepers sneak in there and even the thought of leaving my mission hurts me. I have interviews with President Hobbs on the 24th and I'll probably just pour my heart out to him. it'll be my temple recommend int. too.
On another subject though, we will be having a Baptism on the 26th. So thats a nice little B-day present from the Lord. Its the young lady that showed up at church on Sunday, that was awesome. We've met with her a few times now and she is absolutely Golden, so Solid. plus, the lady that i baptized when i was in Matthews as an AP that never got confirmed is now getting confirmed, so thats cool too. We are excited about how much the Lord is really blessing us and the work which is progressing here in carmel, the entire area is already turned around and the District is already improving greatly.

How Awesome for him to already have that lady who showed up for church to investigate already committed for Baptism. He's had some amazing experiences over the last couple of years!!


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