Sunday, March 09, 2008


E. Babinator,

It’s that time once again to write you. I think that time has come and gone for you to write me a few times too, but I will continue to wait and write diligently. I am on a 3 week drought though, but who’s keeping track? What’s new this week? How are your investigators you have been teaching and how is the mission? What kind of training are you doing lately? Many meetings with zones or many exchanges to talk about? I’m not sure what to talk about this week. I don’t have anything to reply to and it’s just been kind of an average week. Stosh just bought a Honda Pilot that sounds pretty nice. I’ll have to check it out soon. I’m still ripping through the Book of Mormon in my spare time. Let’s see I’m up between 6:00 and 6:30 AM, getting the girls ready for school. See them off with Suzanne by 7:00 AM. Then I get myself ready and out of here between 7:30 and 8:00AM. Work from 8:30 till 6:00 to 6:30 every night. Home by 7:00 PM. Eat Dinner, hang out with family between 7:30 and 8:30, get the girls ready for bed. Have them both in bed by 9:00 PM. Watch a quick show or read some between 9:00 and 10:00 PM and it’s bed time. All ready to do it again the next day. My weekends consist of all the chores the week doesn’t allow for, shopping, laundry, maybe some family visits with Suzanne’s or our family, church, calling, and squeezing in an hour to write you. That is pretty much my whole week. I’m in 3rd Nephi 17 right now. Still have till May 10th to finish, with only 90 pages to go. No contest. The calling is still going alright. The kids still like to push buttons. The primary presidency are rolling out their reverence contract tomorrow I guess. Ha ha. We’ll see how fast our kids strike out on that. I actually saw John in person for the first time in months yesterday. I met up with him for a little shopping at Harbor Freight Tools. I like that place. You can’t find any kind of name brand stuff, but the tools they sell are solid, last forever and are half the price of anything you can buy at Home Depot and Lowes. They had a big parking lot sale. I bought several items that only came to $14 total. Yeahhhh! While I was talking with him, he told me that he was ring shopping for Lynn Marie and would be popping the question soon. So it looks like it might actually become official soon. I don’t know if they are going to wait for you to get home. I think John is looking for a pretty quick seal on this deal. I’ll keep you posted as developments are made known. It is set tentatively for the 27th of May and he hasn’t even proposed yet, but the temple is reserved.

Aynslee is walking all around the house now and feeling super big with her new mode of transport. She feels even bigger picking something up and walking with it and dropping it somewhere else. She feels pretty powerful with this vehicle of moving things around now.

Are you needing any Parker refills anytime soon or are you still good? How’s your journal coming? I see you proudly sporting the parker pens in your pocket in all of your pictures. I have actually started tying my tie in a different knot since I put up the tie tying demo videos on your blog. I’ve been tying a half Windsor lately, but I think I like the Shelby or “Pratt” knot just as well. But I will assure you, my tie reaches just slightly beyond my belt buckle and it looks SHARP. None of this short tie syndrome, bib tying that is going on over there.

Well, it’s Sunday night at 9:00 PM. Not much to report new from today. I was kind of stalling to see if I’d get a letter or something to reply to. Seems like you’ve busted one over on a Sunday or two. So I’ll hook you up with a quote of the week and send this off.

“Our great need, and our great calling, is to bring to the people of this world the candle of understanding to light their way out of obscurity and darkness and into the joy, peace, and truths of the gospel.”

- Spencer W. Kimball

Alright, have a good week. Stay strong, work hard, be humble.

Love ya,



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