Thursday, August 17, 2006

2nd Letter from the MTC

We finally received a letter from Mike. He said the first week at the MTC has been pretty sweet. He has had some humbling experiences too. He wrote of teaching lesson #1 to a couple of elders and receiving a few tips on what to improve on from them. Then they taught the same lesson back to them and the spirit was so strong. It humbled Mike quite a bit and taught him the importance and what it means to teach with the spirit. He also mentioned that his he has been praying like never before and that his testimony has been reaffirmed to the point where it has grown about 100x's. He said the spirit is very strong at the MTC. He has been enjoying the food as well. "It's all you can eat. Steak and Pot roast and Burgers and Potatoes. It is sooo good."

His compainon Elder Stephens is going to North Carolina along with 5 other Elders. And the other 5 Elders in his district are going to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He issued a couple of challenges to family and is already using the commitment pattern and direct "Will you..." questions and sounds like a true missionary already. It's great to see the growth already taking place and how his testimony is solidifying even more.

That is about it for this letter. I'll update again with the next letter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We eagerly awaited Mike's first real letter. It was great to hear from him and the amazing growth that is taking place in him. He will be leaving for No. Carolina in less than a week. Wow, time goes so quickly. We have sent some cookies that Shelli and Bryan made for him. They were yummy. We also sent candy (Starburst and Pez)and the 'red hat' and story that goes along with it. We will send more when he gets to No. Carolina.

12:33 PM  

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