Sunday, December 16, 2007


What’s the good word this week? How are things going for you? How has it been working with Elder Newton? It doesn’t look like it has really gotten that cold out there. I keep an eye on the weather tracker gadget on your blog and it gets chilly, but that’s about it. Looks like you got a pretty sizable storm this week though. How was that? We still have a ton of snow everywhere from our ginormous storm we had a week and a half ago or more. It dumped enough snow to last a long while anyway.

We got your Christmas card this week. Thanks for sending that. It was fun to see you guys in a Christmas card. It was funny to see a santa that was actually more nervous than the kids sitting on his lap. That is a first. You never know what those Mormon boys will do while they have you as a captive audience, huh? Ha ha. You didn’t tell me anything you want or need for Christmas in your letter last week. So I’m kind of out of time to send you something and get it to you on time. Well, I ran out of time quickly here. I need to bust out to do my home teaching. I’ll be back in a while to finish this up.

K, I’ve been back for a while and now it’s 8:30 PM and I’m dog tired. I kind of just want to go up to bed and read my book and get to sleep so I have a good jump on the new week. It’s going to be busy at work since I’ll be off work after Friday till the 2nd or 3rd of January. I have all the holiday stuff, Aynslee’s birthday, closing on both houses and moving the week after next. So I’m going to be hopping.

Shelli will probably have told you about her Radio show she did. If not, then Mom will. But it was awesome. She did great. She was on the X96 morning show. She seemed like a natural. Seemed at ease, funny, and having a good time. I downloaded the podcast of that show and the one the day before because there is a lot of lead up to her show the day before. So you will have to listen to them when you get home.

Sorry for the short letter. This is like record setting for me being this short. I don’t think I’ve ever written this short of a letter before. Oh well, it’s still 3 times longer than your last letter, so my bases are covered. You couldn’t help it though since you had to get out of the place for some reason. I got the Companion bio and that was the important piece I needed anyway for the blog.

Let me just drop in the quote of the week. I will share what I learned this week in the next letter. Help me remember by referencing that in your letter Monday when you drop in what you learned this week. I always go off of your e-mails to know what I should reply to and talk about, so if it’s there, I won’t forget.

Here is the QOTW. It’s in reference to what you talk about learning a couple of weeks ago:
“The Lord is truly blessing His work, and I know that in the heart of every missionary, who has felt the inward compensation that comes from faithful and devoted service in carrying the gospel to others, there is a deep appreciation that we have been privileged to be the servants of God and to be associated with Him in the work.”

- Alvin R. Dyer

PS. I went to the hand and orthopedic doctor on Friday and found out I may have fractured my ring finger but the bone has healed back up. The bad news is a ripped a ligament off the knuckle so bad that it pulled some of my finger bone up with it and it’s sitting up against my skin. You can see the little bone chip sitting under my skin. It’s weird. It also gives way too much free range motion to my top knuckle that you can bend my left ring fingertip to the right toward my middle finger and it bends over just like there’s a sideways knuckle there too besides just up and down motion. It’s weird. It still hurts, but it should heal back up in like a few more weeks if I can leave it alone and not let it bend that way anymore until then. He said I should buddy wrap it up against my ring finger. So that’s that. That came from a flag football game from my EQ tournament, not from our T-day game, so that can’t be counted in the injury report that so many like to try to use against us. Ha ha.

That’s all I got for this week. I hope your week goes swimmingly and that you continue to reap the fruits of your labors.

I love you. I’m excited to talk to you soon in a couple of weeks. Take care and work hard!




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