Saturday, June 30, 2007

Clint Emery's Mission Bio

It's about time we got back into the mission bios of friends and family. I will have to start harassing people again unless you e-mail me some pictures and some facts and memories of your missions if you have not been featured already.

This time we are reading about Clint Emery.

Mission: Canada, Edmonton Mission 2002-2004

Memories: Has seen the Northern Lights, wild caribou and worked in -42 degrees C temperatures. They would still see snow in the city in July. He was teaching a Filipino lady who would get the goose bumps every time she touched the Book of Mormon.

Facts: Edmonton is big on... well... Bigness. They have had the record for size for the following: world's biggest Pirogi on a fork, world's biggest Easter Egg, worlds biggest duck and world's biggest sausage. All things to be very proud of, I'm sure. And finally, per capita they had the largest number of different churches to number of people around anywhere. 14 different denominations for 2000 people in the city.

pre-mission picture

In the mission home with the President and his wife

Tracting was slow, so he devised a new way to get more investigators

That is one sweet ride Elder!

Update to the family around September 11th, 2001


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